Otevírací doba: úterý - neděle: 11:00 -19:00

Bandaska Vase Big

O produktu

design: Studio Dechem

rozměry: 18, 5 cm x 23 cm

Váza Bandaska je ručně foukaná váza do dřevěné formy s barevným gradientem ve skle.



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6 690 Kč 5 528,93 Kč bez DPH
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DECHEM studio was established in Prague in 2012 by Michaela Tomiskova and Jakub Jandourek. Since establishing the studio they have focused on product design and maintained a special focus on glass, exploring traditional Bohemian craft techniques for preparing, gathering, shaping and blowing clear and coloured glass into wooden and metal forms. The glass is then finished with centuries-old techniques, like snapping, grinding and firing, and decorated by the most experienced craftsmen by engraving, cutting and painting. 

Jméno značky: Dechem
Kategorie: Dechem

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